Sunday, November 22, 2009

small things

"i cannot do great things, only small things with great love."

i was inspired by this quote. ironically, they are the words of mother theresa.

so often, i think about what great things can i do. what can i create that might move people, inspire someone else or elicit a response.

too often, i fear mediocrity and measure the value of what i aspire to produce before it's even materialized. i worry that whatever i conceptualize will be short of stellar - just another trite condiment at the artists' table. and the orb of my presence in this life cycle might be lukewarm or... beige. (oh, how deathly afraid i am of being a wit-less color. an on-the-fence, without conviction or moxie, beige.)

but submitting to these fears doesn't help anyone. it produces nothing. it's paralyzing, it's lazy, and worse than beige - it's colorless.

and so, i've learned:

1. i cannot devalue the idea before i've even made the attempt to produce it.
2. by what or whose measure is the work valued and why do i give a shit?
3. most importantly, greatness is found not in the act itself, not in the piece that comes of it, but in the intention and process. the catalyst behind the movement.

how much of myself do i commit to any and all acts? what is it that propels me to do so? this is going to sound hokey as fuck, but it really is the love. the more willingly i lend myself to this love, surrender to it, feed it, the more honest is my intention. falling in love with the materials, manipulating them with tremendous care, and really caring about what i'm doing. that is where i find greatness, the driving force behind 'do-ing'.

here is my response to this realization. the first piece of what i plan to make into a series of type and materials exploration.

"small things", photo composite of cut tape on paper

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