Tuesday, November 10, 2009


i take back what i said about animals not having the ability to imagine. who knows what other species are capable of or to what levels they are cognizant. i'm an animal, too. born of this earth to eventually be recycled back into it. just like every other living being.

just because i've yet to figure out how to invite the cat downstairs over for coffee and chit-chat doesn't mean said cat is a soul-less, incomprehensible creature. what an arrogant thing to assume. maybe cat just isn't looking for the invitation and chooses not to communicate with me.

dogs and cats and bears have individual personalities. sea otters hold hands as they float downstream on their backs. rats fight and begrudge each other food in the subway.

for all i know, the only thing separating us from other species is our need to put a shirt on when we step out of the house to harvest food from the local grocers'.

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